General Dentistry


Do you suffer from persistent jaw pain, tension headaches, or worn teeth? If so, you may be suffering from TMD (also referred to as TMJ), a potentially painful structural jaw disorder that can be successfully treated with a night guard to lessen or entirely suppress your discomfort and pain. However, many people do not feel any pain but have severely worn teeth. So, pain is often not an indicator of a problem.

A night guard is a device that is worn in the mouth at night to separate and protect your upper and lower teeth and relax your muscles in the process. This comfortable custom-made night guard is carefully adjusted to your specific bite. Temporomandibular joint dysfunction/disorder (TMJ/TMD) is a fairly common problem that affects 20-30% of the adult population. Although headaches can be caused by a number of different reasons, tension headaches are a primary symptom of TMJ. These tension headaches, if caused by TMJ, stem from the jaw joint, the surrounding muscles of the jaw, and the jaw itself. Typically a reaction to stress, clenching, or grinding of the teeth (commonly occurring while sleeping) is the primary reason behind TMJ.

The use of the night guard is a simple and painless way to get rid of those headaches that are caused due to TMJ/TMD. This device is life altering for your teeth and joint. It will greatly reduce the wear of your teeth and fracture risk. Your pain in your joint should improve greatly.